Все активировал. Супер! Но получилось у него не с первого раза. Ждал сутки. Не очень быстро отвечает. В целом доволен!
18.11.2024 23:14:16Продавец молодец, всё сделал по красоте, рекомендую ну него покупать Youtube Premium! The seller is well done, he did everything in beauty, I recommend buying Youtube Premium from him!
15.11.2024 14:56:24Все отлично, довольно быстро активировали подписку ^^
14.11.2024 10:51:45все подключили. только ожидание не быстрое было
29.10.2024 17:47:57This is my 3rd time purchasing from this seller, everything is fast and ge is responsible for his job, 100/100
26.10.2024 19:40:08We have subscribed, thank you
11.10.2024 22:42:51Все отлично сделали Продавца рекомендую
06.10.2024 18:44:54Order completed, everything working.perfect
05.10.2024 15:59:38Order completed, everything working :3
02.10.2024 19:23:01I recently purchased a YouTube Premium subscription at an incredible price through this service, and I’m extremely impressed. The process was smooth, straightforward, and everything was delivered as promised. What stood out the most was the exceptional customer support—the worker responded promptly and was extremely polite throughout our interaction. They answered all my questions patiently and made the entire experience hassle-free. I highly recommend this service to anyone looking for great deals and top-notch customer service!
30.09.2024 19:22:31