Guarantee & Refund Policy
Return Policy
Our priority is customer satisfaction for all purchases made through our site. All refund requests from users are evaluated and resolved by both the site management and the respective seller. The products and services you purchase are supported for the warranty period specified in the product descriptions. Customer support is provided for all products, and if any issues arise, both the site management and the seller will address your concerns together.
For digital codes and products, due to the nature of these items, the seller is not obligated to accept refund requests once the item has been delivered. Please note that, unless you can provide evidence that the product was not delivered in a working condition or you simply changed your mind, the seller may not accept your refund request for delivered digital goods, as they cannot be resold.
If a refund request results in a dispute that cannot be resolved, the buyer may request resolution through WebMoney Arbitration. This process aims to protect the rights of both parties.
We are always here to provide you with the best service and to resolve any issues you may encounter as quickly as possible.